Comedy by John Harry Godber – Join Gail, Hobby and Salty, three fifth form students who, through their end of term play, tell the hilarious story of an idealistic new teacher in his perilous first days inside a local comprehensive school. At the heart of TEECHERS is the very real assertion that the arts, and especially drama, should form an essential part of the school curriculum. Teechers alternates weekends with our production of The Burn.
Comedy by John Harry Godber – Join Gail, Hobby and Salty, three fifth form students who, through their end of term play, tell the hilarious story of an idealistic new teacher in his perilous first days inside a local comprehensive school. At the heart of TEECHERS is the very real assertion that the arts, and especially drama, should form an essential part of the school curriculum. Teechers alternates weekends with our production of The Burn.
Comedy by John Harry Godber – Join Gail, Hobby and Salty, three fifth form students who, through their end of term play, tell the hilarious story of an idealistic new teacher in his perilous first days inside a local comprehensive school. At the heart of TEECHERS is the very real assertion that the arts, and especially drama, should form an essential part of the school curriculum. Teechers alternates weekends with our production of The Burn.
Comedy by John Harry Godber – Join Gail, Hobby and Salty, three fifth form students who, through their end of term play, tell the hilarious story of an idealistic new teacher in his perilous first days inside a local comprehensive school. At the heart of TEECHERS is the very real assertion that the arts, and especially drama, should form an essential part of the school curriculum. Teechers alternates weekends with our production of The Burn.
Comedy by John Harry Godber – Join Gail, Hobby and Salty, three fifth form students who, through their end of term play, tell the hilarious story of an idealistic new teacher in his perilous first days inside a local comprehensive school. At the heart of TEECHERS is the very real assertion that the arts, and especially drama, should form an essential part of the school curriculum. Teechers alternates weekends with our production of The Burn.
Comedy by John Harry Godber – Join Gail, Hobby and Salty, three fifth form students who, through their end of term play, tell the hilarious story of an idealistic new teacher in his perilous first days inside a local comprehensive school. At the heart of TEECHERS is the very real assertion that the arts, and especially drama, should form an essential part of the school curriculum. Teechers alternates weekends with our production of The Burn.
Comedy by John Harry Godber – Join Gail, Hobby and Salty, three fifth form students who, through their end of term play, tell the hilarious story of an idealistic new teacher in his perilous first days inside a local comprehensive school. At the heart of TEECHERS is the very real assertion that the arts, and especially drama, should form an essential part of the school curriculum. Teechers alternates weekends with our production of The Burn.